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Wind Energy Industry Technician Knives
When it comes to knives look no further than GME Supply. We source the best quality knives so you can get the job done efficiently and safe. Our knife selection includes utility knives and folding knives.
Utility Knives:
We have a wide range of utility knives. Whether you’re looking for a traditional box cutter, drywall utility knife, hook blade utility knife, snap off knife, or a flip utility knife, we’ve got you covered. Some utility knives come with a special compartment to hold spare blades. This is extremely convenient, especially when you need to change the blade while on the job.
Folding Knives:
Our folding knives are also diverse. We have compact sizes that easily fit in your pocket, cable splicer knives, and electrician’s knives. The folding knives also have a range of different blade types. We have knives that offer serrated blades, multiple blades, and stainless steel blades.
Don’t see the knife you need? Click here to contact one of our Gear Experts® and we will help you find the tools you need to get the job done.