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Wind Energy Industry Technician Radios
Two way radios have the sole purpose of keeping you safe while making your workday easier. Job-sites are usually big and making sure that you and your crew have a way to contact each other can be the difference between and good day at work and a frustrating day on the job. Imagine being 100 feet in the air and not able to easily communicate with the people on the ground. It gets frustrating, that’s for sure.
Two way radios have a few advantages that uniquely position them to be your source of workplace communication. First, radios provide you with a range of different channels. A typical radio will have anywhere between 4 and 16 channels which gives you the freedom you need.
Two way radios also allow you to talk to your entire crew at one time. We’ve got radios that allow you to have private conversations as well as whole crew conversations if you need the ability to speak to crew members individually. Lastly, unlike cell phones, two way radios do not need a signal to transmit communications in bad reception areas.
Need help finding the radio that is right for you and your crew? Contact one of our Gear Experts® for more information.