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Safety Vests
Wind Energy Industry Technician Safety Vests
You need to be seen on the job-site to stay safe. Stand out from the crowd and stand out on the job-site with our wide selection of hi-vis vests. Our high visibility vests include a range of sizes and colors. We have both class 2 and class 3 safety vests to ensure you have the gear you need to get the job done.
Class 2:
Class 2 vests are intended for environments that pose a greater risk than those that require a Class 1 traditional safety yellow or orange vest. A class 2 vest is a medium sized vest because of the ANSI requirements. A class 2 vest must have at least 775 inches of safety yellow or orange material and 201 square inches of reflective striping.
Class 3:
Class 3 vests are intended for dangerous environments and are typically larger vests because of the ANSI requirements. They must have 310 square inches of reflective striping and 1,240 inches of safety yellow or orange material.
Need help finding the perfect safety vest? Check in with one of our Gear Experts®.