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Safety Glasses
Wind Energy Industry Technician Safety Glasses
Your eyes are important and should be protected from harm by protective eyewear at all times while you're working out in the field. We have a huge selection of safety glasses available so you can find the perfect fit. Safety glasses haven’t always been known for looking cool – but staying safe has always been in style.
We have a wide selection of safety glasses that are ANSI Z87 rated, which is the standard that requires the glasses to go through extensive testing. You can find out more information about the Z87 rating and the testing methods in this youtube video and in our knowledge base. Our safety glasses also come in a variety of lens tints, frame styles, and frame colors making it even easier for you to find the best pair to suit your specific needs.
Need help finding the safety glasses you require for your next job-site? Check in with one of our Gear Experts®.