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Wind Energy Industry Technician Gloves
You’ve got a job to do. And sometimes mother nature doesn’t always cooperate. Not only do you have to deal with the weather, but staying safe is always a priority. Picking the gloves you wear while on the job is important for many reasons and here at GME Supply, we’ve got you covered. Our Gear Experts® are constantly searching the globe for the safest gloves to provide you the gear you need to get the job done no matter the situation. We feature two main types of gloves: coated gloves and trade gloves.
Coated Gloves:
Coated gloves have a wide range of uses and happen to be one of our most versatile categories. Depending on the liner and dip coating these gloves can be used for jobs ranging from industrial manufacturing to chemical resistance. Most gloves are available in a range of sizes and we also feature a wide variety of cut-resistant gloves. ANSI recently updated their cut resistance standards - we’ve got you covered there too.
Trade Gloves:
Trade gloves are designed for the people who get the job done. With many specialized options to choose from, you’ll find the exact trade gloves you need for any application. Whether you need anti-vibration gloves, high impact gloves, climbing gloves, or fingerless gloves - we've got them all. Many of our trade gloves also offer additional benefits that not only keep you safe from harsh environments but also help reduce the effects of mother nature on the job.
Our trade gloves offer many features including water resistance, cut resistance, abrasion resistance, and weather resistance. In the cold of winter having a thermal insulated glove that also features the cut resistance you need to get the job done can be the difference between “another day in paradise” and “the worst day on the job yet”.
Need help finding the perfect gloves to get the job done? Check in with one of our Gear Experts®.