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Solar Installer Fall Protection Kits
Solar Industry Technician Kits
What’s better than having to hand pick all of the gear for your next solar industry job, or that new hire you just brought on to your team? Well, what if there were pre-assembled kits that included all of the equipment you need, with a couple options for upgrades, that have been hand picked by our Gear Experts®? Here at GME Supply our dedicated experts have built kits for all of your wind energy needs. These kits offer added convenience and take the stress out of putting together your own wind energy kit.
Our kits include all of the things that you as a solar industry technician cannot go to a jobsite without. We have a variety of kits including a commercial safety kit - with all the bells and whistles, an economical kit, and even an arc flash kit.
Need help finding the perfect kit for you? Check in with one of our Gear Experts®.