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Solar Industry Technician Harnesses
GME Supply knows fall protection. We have spent the last decade focusing on at-height industries and fall protection. And that uniquely positions us to help serve solar industry technicians. One key component of fall protection is your safety harness. A safety harness not only needs to be functional, but comfortable as well. We offer a wide range of harnesses in two specific configurations best suited for the solar industry: 3 D-Ring Harnesses and 4 D-Ring Harnesses.
Some things to keep in mind when choosing your harness is what materials the hardware (D-rings and other connectors are made of), connection points, sizing, and certifications.
The harnesses for solar work are going to feature aluminum or steel D-rings. Aluminum D-rings are lighter but more expensive. Steel D-rings, on the other hand, are cheaper, but much heavier.
D-rings, Connection Points, and Sizing: [h3] The amount of D-rings you need will be dependent on your specific job requirements. You have 3 main options in connection points - tongue buckle, pass-through buckle, and quick connect buckle. Sizing varies depending on the manufacturer and we have a sizing chart [insert link here] reference guide to help you ensure that your harness will fit the way you need it to stay safe.
When looking at full body harnesses it is important to keep in mind the certifications you need them to meet. If you are working in the United States you will need a harness that meets ANSI Z359.11-2014. ANSI Z359.11-2014 outlines the safety requirements for a full body harness. If you are working in Canada you will need a harness that meets the CSA requirements. Your CSA harness will need to meet the CSA Z259.10-12 Full Body Harness Standard.
3 D-Ring Harnesses:
3 D-ring harnesses are so named because they have - you guessed it 3 D-rings. The first D-ring is located on your back. This is the “dorsal d” and is where your lifeline will be attached. The other two D-rings are located on each side of your hips. These D-rings are typically used for tie-offs.
4 D-Ring Harnesses:
4 D-ring harnesses feature all 3 of the D-rings that are on the 3 D-ring harness but also include one additional D-ring. That 4th D-ring is a sternal D-ring located at your chest. This sternal D-ring is used when climbing a ladder to attach your cable grab to your harness.
For additional information about how to choose the right harness check out The Ultimate Fall Protection Harness Buying Guide. Need help finding a certain harness? Click here to contact one of our Gear Experts®.