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Trauma Straps
While we would all like to think that accidents never happen and rescues never need to be performed, that isn’t the case. Accidents do happen and being prepared for whatever might arise and being ready to perform a rescue at a moments notice can be the difference between a bad situation gone worse and everyone going home at the end of the day.
Trauma straps help combat suspension trauma. Suspension trauma can start to take effect just minutes after a fall and cause serious, potentially fatal damage. It’s caused when blood pools in your legs. Your heart is still pumping blood to your legs, and when you cannot use your skeletal muscles to help “pump that blood back, gravity causes it to pool in your feet and legs. Coupled with your harness putting pressure on important veins and arteries, circulation can be difficult. The pooling of blood begins to deprive the brain, kidneys, and other vital organs of oxygen.
Trauma straps help prevent this from happening by relieving pressure off of the harness leg straps. Some harnesses come with trauma straps built in, but even if your harness doesn’t this simple accessory can be added to any harness.
Got a question about our selection of trauma straps, or looking for something specific? Click here to contact one of our Gear Experts® for more information.