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Auto Descent Devices
While we would all like to think that accidents never happen and rescues never need to be performed, that isn’t the case. Accidents do happen and being prepared for whatever might arise and being ready to perform a rescue at a moments notice can be the difference between a bad situation gone worse and everyone going home at the end of the day. That’s where our selection of rescue equipment comes into play. While having a rescue plan in place is required by law, there are few requirements about the details of those plans and the equipment you should have in the event of a rescue situation.
When someone has experienced a fall getting them to the ground and to safety is a top priority. Our selection of auto descent devices will help you ensure that if something goes wrong you are prepared to perform the perfect rescue. We feature a range of descent devices including SRLs, pulley systems, and complete kits.
Not sure what you need for your next rescue or looking for something specific? Click here to contact one of our Gear Experts® for more information.