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Disposable Respirators
Disposable Respirators
Breathing is important. In fact, you can’t live without it and protecting your lungs will make breathing a lot easier. That’s where disposable respirators come in.
Disposable respirators are pretty self-explanatory in that they are disposable rather than reusable. The amount of time that you can use the respirator before it needs to be thrown away, the amount of protection it provides, and the types of particulates it can filter will vary depending on your selection.
When picking out proper respiratory protection there are a few main things to consider.
What hazards are you going to be exposed to? Have you assessed the situation? What level of protection do you need? What are the different types of filters and what do they do? What standards do I need to make sure I’m in compliance with? These questions will ensure that you are following best practices in making your decision when purchasing respiratory protection.
For more information about how to find the perfect respirator, click here, to read our blog post.
Need help finding the perfect disposable respirator? Check in with one of our Gear Experts® here and we can help you find the perfect fit!