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Protective Sleeves
It’s no secret that job sites are extremely diverse. Working on a job site usually involves a range of different jobs to be done. Each of which can present their own hazards. Sleeves ensure that you and your crew can stay safe on the job site no matter what situations might come up.
When working in hazardous environments one of our most exposed, but least thought of areas of our bodies is our arms. Your arms, like your hands, are an important part of your livelihood and that means protecting them should be a priority. We often don’t think about the exposure of our arms while cutting or welding but one wrong action and it can take another day on the job and turn it into the last day on the job. Our selection of sleeves is here to help you protect your arms from anything the job site might throw at you.
Need help finding the perfect sleeves? Check in with one of our Gear Experts® here and we can help you find the perfect fit!