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Rain Gear
Rain Gear
It’s no secret that job sites are extremely diverse. Working on a job site usually involves a range of different jobs to be done. Each of which can present their own hazards. Rain gear ensures that you and your crew can stay safe on the job site no matter what situations might come up.
Nothing “rains” on your parade more than trying to work in sopping wet clothing. Not only is is uncomfortable, but it’s also unsafe. Rain has more dangers than just getting you wet though. When it rains it is typically dark. Also, many times the rain is cold and, coupled with the wind it can drastically reduce the temperature of your body causing the risk of sickness. That’s where rain gear comes in. Most of our selection of rain gear is also hi-vis gear because it can be so dark when it is raining. We’ve got jackets, vests, coats, suits, and pants to help keep you dry and visible while it’s raining on a job site.
Remember that when picking out hi-vis gear keep in mind the requirements you need to meet for ANSI Standards. Our hi-vis rain gear includes Non-ANSI, Class 2, and Class 3 ratings.
Class 2:
Class 2 items are intended for environments that pose a greater risk than those that require a Class 1 traditional safety yellow or orange material. Class 2 apparel is medium sized because of the ANSI requirements. A class 2 article of clothing must have at least 775 inches of safety yellow or orange material and 201 square inches of reflective striping.
Class 3:
Class 3 items are intended for dangerous environments and are typically larger because of the ANSI requirements. They must have 310 square inches of reflective striping and 1,240 inches of safety yellow or orange material.
Non-ANSI rated gear means that it does not meet the requirements set forth by ANSI and should not be used in low light situations where certified hi-vis gear is required.
Need help finding the perfect rain gear? Check in with one of our Gear Experts® here and we can help you find the perfect fit!