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Rescue Kits
In a perfect world there would be no accidents and no one would ever get hurt. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and whether we like it or not accidents do happen and people do get hurt. But, when we are prepared and have the right equipment we can take bad situations and keep them from turning into terrible situations. That’s where our selection of rescue equipment comes into play. While having a rescue plan in place is required by law, there are few requirements about the details of those plans and the equipment you should have in the event of a rescue situation.
Picking out all of the equipment needed for your rescue kit can be time-consuming and stressful. Not to mention that sometimes you’re not sure what exactly you need. Don’t worry. Our Gear Experts® have got you covered with our selection of rescue kits. With a kit for nearly every situation, you can be ready to perform a rescue with the click of a button.
If our available kits don’t meet your needs don’t worry, they are fully customizable. Simply contact one of our Gear Experts® and we can help you build exactly what you need. Our state-of-the-art account management system allows us to create custom kits, built specifically to suit your needs. The benefit of this type of system is that next time you call in; you have the same pricing and the same products every time. You don’t have to go through countless emails and talk to 5 different people to make sure that you are getting the exact same kit you got last time because we do that for you.
Not sure what you need for your next rescue or looking for something specific? Click here to contact one of our Gear Experts® for more information.