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Confined Space Systems
Confined Space Entry and Rescue Equipment Systems
It’s no secret that the climbing industry is dangerous. But, confined spaces bring a whole slew of additional dangers. When an area has an opening big enough for a worker to access and enter to perform work, but has limited means of entry and exit and isn’t designed for continuous occupancy it is classified as a confined space. Ensuring the safety of you and your crew when working in confined space requires three main elements: harnesses, tripods and other access equipment, and a winch. Here at GME Supply, we pride ourselves in being able to provide the gear you need to stay safe and get the job done.
Confined space harnesses are harnesses that have been developed specifically with working in confined spaces in mind. They typically feature 5 D-rings, but what sets them apart is the two shoulder D-rings. These D-rings have been placed to strategically make it easier to lift a person out of a confined space with the use of a tripod and winch.
Some things to keep in mind when choosing your harness is what materials the hardware (D-rings and other connectors are made of). Connection points, sizing, and certifications.
Materials: The harnesses for confined space are going to feature aluminum or steel D-rings. Aluminum D-rings are lighter but more expensive. Steel D-rings, on the other hand, are cheaper but much heavier.
Connection Points and Sizing: You have 3 main options in connection points - tongue buckle, pass-through buckle, and quick connect buckle. Sizing varies depending on the manufacturer and we have a sizing chart reference guide to help you ensure that your harness will fit the way you need it to stay safe.
Certifications: When looking at harnesses it is important to keep in mind the certifications you need them to meet. If you are working in the United States you will need a harness that meets ANSI Z359.11-2014. ANSI Z359.11-2014 outlines the safety requirements for a full body harness. If you are working in Canada you will need a harness that meets the CSA requirements. Your CSA harness will need to meet the CSA Z259.10-12 Full Body Harness Standard.
Tripods & Access
Since one of the main determining factors of a confined space is the limited access for entry and exit getting to the job is the first step. That’s where our full line for tripods and access gear come in. From tripods, guardrails, ladders, and hoists, to davit systems hitch mounts, and anchors we’ve got the gear you need to get the job done. Interested in saving time and money by looking for an all in one kit that has everything you need? We’ve got you covered there, too. Our full range of tripod kits come with all of the equipment required to safely work in confined spaces.
Confined spaces are characterized by their limited access and ensuring that you have an exit strategy and a rescue plan in place is the law. Lifting a person out of a confined space is no easy task and the additional weight of their equipment doesn’t help. Winches use mechanical advantage to solve that problem. With a which you know that you have a rescue device at the ready and that lifting your crew members out of the confined space just got a whole lot easier.
Got questions about our selection of confined space equipment or looking for something in particular? Our Gear Experts® are ready to answer any question you might have.